Triple Action Publishing

John Breneman loved working at his hometown newspaper, writing a Page Two column for the Sunday edition. But then a big media conglomerate bought the paper and – boom! – he was downsized.

Now, gripped in an epic struggle for economic survival, he has penned an e-book packed with hilarious advice columns on love, hate, sex, guns, booze, politics, racism, hibernation, exorcists, Obamacare, Jalapeno Coke, gingerbread men, the Nor’Easter Bunny and more.

Noted literary critic Rachmaninoff Aspercreme III has hailed it as “the finest collection of English-language advice columns ever written by someone whose surname contains the word ‘enema’.”

WARNING: If used as intended, this book may cause laughter.
The Reviews Are In …

"I swear on a stack of "Confederacy of Dunces," this book is well-written and knee-slappingly funny."

— John Breneman

"I swear on a stack of "Confederacy of Dunces," this book is well-written and knee-slappingly funny."

— John Breneman

"I swear on a stack of "Confederacy of Dunces," this book is well-written and knee-slappingly funny."

— John Breneman

“Writer’s Block” is a Fiction Slam version of Chapter 1 of my future novel “The Writer,” the story of a silent boy who becomes the greatest writer of his generation.
Billy Buck Teefus, the American redneck savant, with his controversial review of Sarah Palin’s 2009 book “Going Rogue.”
Broadcasting live from the near future, Triple Action News anchorman Reid Page delivers some geopolitical wordplay about income inequality and the global economy.

When my niece’s commencement was interrupted COVID-19, I awarded her an honorary triple Ph.D. from my pretend college, Triple Action University. 

Triple Action Publishing