Sweeping GOP bill declares Obama an ‘enemy combatant’

By John Breneman

US-SYRIA-CONFLICT-OBAMAWASHINGTON, D.C. – Frustrated by years of gridlock and now in control of the Senate, congressional Republicans have introduced sweeping new legislation to adopt a $1 per hour minimum wage, eliminate environmental, financial and health safety regulations, prohibit climate change research, deport anyone who can’t produce citizenship papers and strip health coverage from millions of Americans.

Called the God Bless America Act, the bill would also create a federal ban on gay marriage, criminalize abortion and redirect all funding currently earmarked for services for Americans in need to the nation’s popular and underfunded “corporate welfare” program.

Eliminating all regulations on gun ownership, strengthening voter suppression laws and declaring President Obama an “enemy combatant” are also key provisions of the bill, hailed by House Speaker John Boehner as “a legislative cure-all for much of what is wrong with America.”

Responding to President Obama’s threat to veto the bill, Boehner said that – be it through frivolous lawsuits, groundless impeachment efforts or the blatant use of misinformation – the GOP will never waver from its duty to take down the twice-elected Muslim, socialist, Kenya-born president due to his ineffectual, tyrannical leadership and his well-publicized hatred of America.
